Dear all,
If replica handbags are not your cup of tea then we now have preorder for aunthentic Louis Vuitton handbags as well!
Simply check out your desired model on, and preorder via us, calculation as follows:
total price in RM = Deutschland (or widely known as Germany) Euro price on x 1.2 x 4.6.
(eg. 500 Eur x 1.2 x 4.6 = RM2760)
Interested buyer please pay a 80% deposit, this is to ensure no back off after order has been made. Once the handbags reach Malaysia, we'll notify you to pay the 20% balance. After we receive your full payment, we will post out your handbags immediately. You may expect to receive your handbags roughly on the 1st or 2nd week of November 2010.
Grab this opportunity to own your dream authentic designer handbags with lowest price, guaranteed lower than Boutique price! Order fast to avoid disappointments!
Order Due Date: from NOW till 22 October 2010
Note: Please bank in 80% deposit latest by 22 October 2010 before 12 midnight!
Hi, I'd like to order authentic LV Delightful MM. I chk out LV website and their price in Germany is 625 euro, after calculation, your selling price is RM3450 right? Already sent u email to ask for ur a/c no, kindly take note. Thanks.
Hi Jolin,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your support. Already emailed you the account number as required. Please check. Thanks.