What are your handbags made from?

The quick answer is: whatever the original designer brand bag is made from.

All the products use exactly what was called for by the luxury brands. For instance, our replica Louis Vuitton features the same oxidizing leather as the genuine article.  Oftentimes the easiest way to tell a fake LV is by the leather in the handles – cheap knockoffs don’t oxidize, and so never change color from a honey blond to a dark chestnut color.  Ours do, and so do the real ones.

Our handbags using almost all the same materials (in most cases all the same materials) as the brand names use ecxept cost much less!

Are your handbags real or fake?

All of the handbags we sell are replicas, meaning that they were not made by the original brand name owner. You can be sure that if you purchase one of our replica designer handbags that no one will be able to notice that it is anything less than an original.


Our sterling silver Tiffany & Co line is made of just that – grade 925 sterling silver, and nothing else. We also feature jewelry in brushed stainless steel and genuine gold. Some of our pendants, rings and earrings are also studded with real semiprecious stones and crystals. Unless the original piece calls for it, and it is clearly stated, you will not find any glass gems on any of our accessories, and certainly never plastic.