
● FREE DELIVERY within Malaysia

● Goods sold are not refundable or exchangeable.

● Full payment must be made for order confirmation.

● We do not allow this Cash On Delivery Service (CODS)

● If by chance it happens that an item is out of stock, we will notify the customer and will offer the customer the opportunity to substitute the item for another item, remove it from the order, or place the order temporarily on hold until the item is in stock again.  If a customer chooses to remove the out of stock item from the order, we will then offer a full refund for the item.

● By purchasing our products, you as a buyer must agree that these are replica only and you must not resell or represent them as original from boutique.

We sell designer replica goods. We do not pretend to offer authentic designer goods. Rather, we offer high quality replicas at affordable prices. When you choose replica bags or jewelry from our blog, you agree not to sell or represent them as authentic. We sell novelty items for entertainment purposes only. The false portrayal of our fake products as authentic designer goods is not our responsibility. We are not liable criminally or civilly for our customers' possible misrepresentation of these products.

We do not sell, and do not pretend to sell, real luxury designer goods.  We openly sell replica bags and jewelry. We reference the names Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Hermes, Chanel, Tiffany, Bvlgari and Cartier for purpose of comparison only. Reference to these companies is for point of comparison, in terms of cost and quality, with our replica designer items. Purchases made on this site indicate that you have agreed with this disclaimer and are aware that you are purchasing a replica designer goods and not authentic ones.